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Review your arts challenge


So it is now time to review my arts challenge and how I think it went.

I feel like I was able to meet my art challenge as I made progress both personally and professionally. I think that I changed my action plan as rather than outlined specific targets for the session beforehand as I had originally planned, I then began to wait until I knew what each different task would be and then decided what would be the best way to challenge myself within that task. I think that this worked well for me as it allowed me to be flexible but still stretch myself. I was successful as I managed to land the role of producer; which was really helpful with my professional challenge as it allowed me to see exactly what the role was like; and also I became more and more confident when sharing my ideas over the weeks.

The parts I found more challenging were making sure that I didn't get distracted within the sessions and trying to really engage as one of my weaknesses can be motivation and concentration. Also, originally sharing my ideas was really hard at the beginning and made me really uncomfortable, but this decreased over the weeks as I had to do it more often.

I have learnt from my arts award a more rounded view of the film industry and what involves, especially in the producing role. I also have learnt how important it is to be able to share your ideas and how it can really change the dynamic of a crew positively if everyone can contribute their own idea confidently.


I asked a couple of my peers for some feedback with the following questions :

What skills or activity have I demonstrated?

How well did I do and why?

Any advice? Areas for development?

These were their responses: Charlie Burcham:

"You demonstrated impressive organisation skills throughout the production days, and through the masterclasses you were always sure to ask as many questions as possible to maximise what you were taking from the talks You did very well taking on the role of a producer because you were forever one step ahead of the team which is what a producer needs to be.Keep looking at the role of a producer, you did simmingly, perhaps an area to improve might be your confidence in talking to proffesionals to get even more from the talks"

Freddie Palmer: You were very good at the producing role, you managed to get the documents needed to film as quick as you can which is great. Very supporting and helps with whatever you can when whenever you can, you sorted out many interviews with important people with ease

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